Financing California's Future:
Fiscal Reform, Infrastructure Financing, and Investment in Disadvantaged Communities
California Equity Leaders Network Legislative Luncheon Series
Co-sponsored by the California Latino Legislative Caucus
Mayahuel, 1200 K Street, Sacramento, CA.
Please join us for special luncheon discussions to explore opportunities to advance equity in California. Leaders from across California will discuss the challenges that California's low-income communities and communities of color face in securing infrastructure investment, raising revenue for critical services, and leveraging changes in state law to develop healthy, sustainable, and prosperous communities for all. Speakers will highlight key state level opportunities and strategies to address these challenges. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED. Please RSVP to to reserve your space.
Featured Speakers:
- Michael Massie- Housing Development Director, Jamboree Housing
- Jeannette Pantoja- Community Worker, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc (CRLA)
- Phoebe Seaton- Co-Founder and Co-Director, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
- Mari Rose Taruc – State Organizing Director, Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)
For additional information please contact:
Chione Flegal / Deputy Director, PolicyLink / / (510) 663-2333 ext. 311
Jose Hernandez / Principle, IDEATE California / / (818) 455-1942
Future luncheons:
- June 19th: Building California’s 21st Century Workforce
- July 10th: Advancing Immigrant Rights and Integration in California
- August 21st: Policies, Practices, and Investments to Protect and Strengthen California’s Vulnerable Youth.
About the California Equity Leaders Network: The California Equity Leaders Network is a statewide collaborative effort of over 60 local, regional, state, and national groups dedicated to improving the lives of all Californians and promoting a future of shared prosperity. To this end we are committed to sharing knowledge, supporting one another, and collaborating on policies that advance equity in California. Network members have a shared interest in building a healthy and prosperous California by improving social, economic, public health and environmental outcomes for low-income people and communities of color across the State. We view policy change as one of several core strategies for accomplishing this and believe that collaboration is crucial to our success.