Sponsorship Requests

All co-sponsorship requests must be formally submitted to the Chair of the Latino Caucus by filling out the form below or by completing this form and attaching all background material. You will be notified of the approval or denial of the co-sponsorship request when a decision has been reached by Caucus Leadership.

All sponsorship requests must be submitted to the Chair of the Latino Caucus by completing this form and attaching all background material. You will be notified of the approval or denial of the sponsorship request when Caucus Leadership has reached a decision. Please note, this form is not to be used for any financial support requests.

Support Needed
What is the purpose of this event/briefing? Why is the event/briefing needed? Please provide any relevant background materials supporting the need for the event/briefing. What state agencies does this event/briefing affect? Has a bill been introduced either this session or in a previous year? If yes, please identify the bill, the legislative session and its disposition. Has there been an interim hearing or report on the bill or on the topic? If yes, when? Please list the individuals you plan to have present. 
Maximum 5 files.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

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