Tuesday, September 29, 2015
2:00 - 3:00 pm
State Capitol, Room 127
Please join the California Latino Legislative Caucus and the California Asian and Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus as we co-host the UC Davis Center for Regional Change's Capitol Speaker Series on Tues, Sept 29 on "California's Latino and Asian-American Vote: Dramatic Underrepresentation in 2014 and Expected Impact in 2016."
Mindy Romero, Ph.D.
Director, UC Davis California Civic Engagement Project
* How well did Latino and Asian-Americans turn out to vote last November?
* What can we expect in 2016?
The California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) at the UC Davis Center for Regional Change presents
its latest research examining disparities in voter participation during the 2014 general election. This
presentation discusses new analysis projecting the strength of the Latino and Asian American vote
in California and identifying the potential impact of these voters in the 2016 elections.
R.S.V.P to Andrew Medina, Consultant to the API Legislative Caucus at Andrew.Medina@asm.ca.gov
The California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) is a civic engagement research and outreach initiative for the state of California. Its mission is to inform the public dialogue on representative governance in California. The CCEP is working to improve the quality and quantity of publicly available civic engagement data by collecting and curating data from a broad range of sources for public access and use. To learn about the CCEP, visit our website at http://regionalchange.ucdavis.edu/ccep .