The California Latino Legislative Caucus hosted an informational briefing focusing on COVID-19 in the Latino Community: The Heavy Toll of health and Workplace Inequities on Tuesday, November 18. Click here for video of the briefing.
(Click on the flyer listed below for link to pdf version)
Informational Briefing
COVID-19 in the Latino Community: The Heavy Toll of Health and Workplace Inequities
November 18, 2020
- Opening Remarks (15 Minutes)
- Senator María Elena Durazo, Chair
- Assembly Member Robert Rivas, Vice Chair
- Members of the CA Latino Legislative Caucus
- Latino Health Disparities – A Deadly Confluence of Factors (20 Minutes)
- Dr. David E. Hayes-Bautista, UCLA Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture (presentation)
- Ana Padilla, Executive Director, UC Merced Community and Labor Center (presentation)
- Discuss research findings on the current state of affairs in the Latino community and what contributes to Latino health disparities (essential work, workplace conditions, co-morbidities, health care, poverty/economic status, and housing).
Discuss impacts on specific industries and disparities in urban vs. rural communities.
- Leaders in the Community & Workplace: Findings & Recommendations (50 Minutes)
- Cástulo de la Rocha, President & CEO, AltaMed
- Teresa Romero, President, UFW
- Caitlin Vega, Legislative & Political Advisor, UFCW Western States Council, Transport Workers Union and UNITE HERE Local 11
- Angélica Salas, Executive Director, CHIRLA
- Evelin Alfaro, Member, Mujeres Unidas y Activas & CA Domestic Workers Coalition
- Discuss the real life impact the pandemic is having on Latinos who serve as essential workers in critical industries.
Discuss the current needs of Latino communities and workers and offer policy/budget recommendations.
- The Administration’s Pandemic Response for Latinos: Lessons Learned and Next Steps
(20 Minutes)- Dr. Erica Pan, Acting State Public Health Officer, CA Dept. of Public Health
- Doug Parker, Chief, Cal/OSHA
- Discuss the evolution of Administration’s efforts to identify and mitigate Latino health disparities.
Discuss efforts to protect essential workers and enforce workplace health standards.
Discuss the health equity metric and dedicating state funds to areas with the greatest needs.
- Closing Remarks (15 Minutes)
- Senator María Elena Durazo, Chair
- Assembly Member Robert Rivas, Vice Chair
- Members of the CA Latino Legislative Caucus
Public Comments: The Latino Caucus invites your input on the important issues to be addressed at
this briefing. Written remarks, testimony and/or related submissions can be provided directly to the
Latino Caucus via email at
Media Contact: Elizabeth Stitt / (916) 802-1276 /