La Opinión: Caucus latino de California da a conocer sus prioridades legislativas para el 2023

March 29, 2023

As excerpted from La Opinión: 

"As part of the celebrations for its 50th anniversary, the Latino caucus of the state legislature presented 14 priority bills including supporting the undocumented with unemployment benefits, financial assistance for the elderly and allowing those who earn a little more to buy health insurance in the Covered California market.

"Since its founding in 1973, the Latino caucus has been the leading voice of the Latino community, working tirelessly to advance policies and initiatives that benefit our growing Latino population," said Latino Caucus President Sabrina Cervantes.

He stated that from education, environmental justice and economic opportunity to access to health care and human rights, the so-called Latino caucus has been instrumental in promoting equity and justice for all Californians for half a century."