Senator Hueso Reacts to Governor Brown's National Guard Deployment

San Diego, CA – April 11, 2018 – In light of today’s decision by Governor Brown to accept federal funding to add approximately 400 California National Guard members statewide, Senator Ben Hueso (D-San Diego), Chair of the Latino Legislative Caucus, issued the following statement:
“California has always been and remains a beacon of hope for immigrants from all countries and walks of life.
As Chair of the Latino Legislative Caucus, I remain committed to working to protect the rights and interests of all Californians, including fighting for comprehensive immigration reform and integrating new immigrants. I will continue to advocate for positive and cooperative US-Mexico relations that advance our countries’ special trade, business and cultural interests.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, has repeatedly refused to work with Californians on the issues that are important to our State, while continuing to waste taxpayer dollars on failed initiatives. We need federal monies to build more affordable housing and parks, and fund our schools – not to militarize our border or build a new border wall.
Militarizing our border will decrease cooperation and put unnecessary strain on our relationship with our southern ally. Let’s be clear: although Trump is positing this move as a critical security measure to combat a spike in illegal border crossings, the fact of the matter is that border crossings are lower today than they have been for the past four-plus decades. As Governor Brown said, ‘there is no massive wave of migrants pouring into California.’
Therefore, while I echo the sentiments of the Governor and key advocates that the California Guard must be deployed in such a manner that is not disruptive to community life, and enhances the State’s efforts to combat crime and keep Californians safe, I remain understandably dubious about the true motivations behind the Trump Administration’s decision to request National Guard troops be sent to the border.”


Contact: Erin Hickey / (619) 409-7690 /

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