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Spectrum News 1: From 50 years ago to now: The California Latino Legislative Caucus

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — In 1973, five Latino legislators formed the California Latino Legislative Caucus (CLLC) to address the social and economic issues affecting the Latino community.

“Members that are not just identifying as Mexican, but Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, so it’s wonderful to be able to lead a caucus of this diversity. And with a Latina majority for the first time in history with 21 Latina members,” Cervantes said.

Spectrum News 1: From 50 years ago to now: The California Latino Legislative Caucus

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — In 1973, five Latino legislators formed the California Latino Legislative Caucus (CLLC) to address the social and economic issues affecting the Latino community.

“Members that are not just identifying as Mexican, but Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, so it’s wonderful to be able to lead a caucus of this diversity. And with a Latina majority for the first time in history with 21 Latina members,” Cervantes said.

Sac Bee: California’s Latino Caucus turns 50. What they’ve accomplished, and their priorities ahead

"Fifty years ago, five Latinos came together to create the first ever Chicano Legislative Caucus. At the time, the lawmakers, all male and of Mexican descent, made up 4% of the Legislature. Though a small group, the establishment marked a turning point for California’s then-14% Latino population. Over the next five decades, the caucus grew, diversified and became an influential group in the Capitol. That progress coincided with the Latino community exploding to 40% of the state population."

KVCR 91.9: Assemblymember Cervantes, Chair of California Latino Legislative Caucus, discusses historic milestones and future plans

"Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes represents California’s 58th Assembly District, which includes much of the Inland Empire. She’s also Chair of the Latino legislative Caucus, which celebrates its 50th anniversary. She spoke with KVCR’s Jessica Greenwell about the anniversary of the caucus, significant and extensive legislation that the caucus has spearheaded over the last five decades, as well as plans for a busy 2023 legislative session."

KVCR 91.9: Assemblymember Cervantes discusses future legislation of California Latino Legislative Caucus

"Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes represents California’s 58th Assembly District, which includes much of the Inland Empire. She’s also Chair of the Latino legislative Caucus, which celebrates its 50th anniversary. The caucus has spearheaded significant and extensive legislation over the last five decades, and she told KVCR’s Jessica Greenwell about plans for a busy 2023 legislative session as well."

La Opinión: El Caucus Legislativo Latino: cincuenta años a la vanguardia de la comunidad

Cincuenta años atrás, los entonces cinco miembros latinos de la Legislatura de California en Sacramento crearon su grupo parlamentario. No había entre ellos ninguna mujer. Pero el grupo creció, tomó conciencia, se diversificó. La membrecía se extendió, su influencia creció y sus raíces se profundizaron.

Hoy, como uno de los grupos más poderosos en la vida política californiana, el Caucus Legislativo Latino se prepara para festejar su medio siglo de acción y anunciar su nueva agenda legislativa para el próximo período, lo que probablemente hará el 28 de este mes. 

Univision: Caucus Legislativo Latino de California cumple 50 años: ¿qué se ha logrado durante estas cinco décadas?

En 1973 se fundó el Caucus Legislativo Latino de California con el objetivo de promover y luchar por los intereses educativos, sociales, políticos y culturales de la comunidad latina en el estado. La senadora estatal Monique Limón afirma que “una de las cosas más difíciles ha sido que, al principio, hace 50 años, no teníamos tantos miembros de la bancada latina aquí en el estado de California”, aunque el panorama ha cambiado en este tiempo.

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