CA Latino Caucus Announces 2020 Priority Legislation

SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) and Senator María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles), Chair and Vice Chair of the California Latino Legislative Caucus, today announced the Latino Caucus’ 2020 priority legislation.


“Every year, we come together as the California Latino Legislative Caucus to prioritize a package of bills and policies that are of the utmost importance to our community. With our collective power, we fight to get these pieces of legislation passed and signed by the governor,” Assemblywoman Gonzalez said. “The package of legislation we are announcing today will improve the lives of all Californians, but especially those in our community who have been disproportionately harmed by not only the pandemic we are currently experiencing, but also the effects of systemic injustice, including lead in our water supply and a lack of broadband access.”


“This year we have identified 13 bills as legislative priorities,” added Senator Durazo. “We will continue our efforts to protect the rights of all Californians, regardless of their immigration status, on issues such as access to health care, education and economic equity.”  


Members voted to declare the following 13 bills as the Latino Caucus’ 2020 Priority Legislation:


Health Care Access:

AB 4 (Arambula) & SB 29 (Durazo) Health Care for All

AB 2277 (Salas) & AB 2279 (C. Garcia) Blood Lead Screening Tests & Lead Poisoning Prevention

Tax Equity/Reform:
AB 1593 (Gómez Reyes) Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion

New American/Immigrant Rights:
AB 2972 (Limón) AB 540/DACA/Undocumented Student Training
AB 3133 (Aguiar-Curry) California Refugee Resettlement Program
SB 905 (Archuleta) Background Check Security Act

Education Reform:
AB 331 (Medina) Ethnic Studies

Economic Equity/Worker Rights:
AB 2043 (R. Rivas) Agricultural Employee COVID-19 Health and Safety Act
AB 3075 (Gonzalez) Wage Theft Accountability
SB 1257 (Durazo) Domestic Worker Health & Safety

Community/Infrastructure Investments:
SB 1130 (Gonzalez) Broadband for California


Media Contacts:

For Assemblywoman Gonzalez: Sami Gallegos / 

For Senator Durazo: Fredy Ceja /

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