Press Releases

California Latino Legislative Caucus Statement in Solidarity on ‘A Day Without Immigrants’

SACRAMENTO – On February 3, 2025 the California Latino Legislative Caucus (CLLC) issued the following statement in solidarity on ‘A Day Without Immigrants’:

“The attacks on our immigrant communities across California have created fear, anxiety and stress for everyone.

Families separated, bread winners gone, industries decimated and more importantly, the human factor…people’s lives upended because of Donald Trump’s egregious attacks on immigrant communities.

As Federal Administration Transitions, California Latino Legislative Caucus Uplifts a Message for Californians: You are Not Alone

SACRAMENTO – On January 20, 2025 the day of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the California Latino Legislative Caucus (CLLC) issued the following statement:

“Today, as the new Presidential term begins, many people are worried about what that means for them and what could happen next. To them, we want to say—you are not alone. We’re here for you and we will fight for your interests – our shared California values.

Mientras la Nación Celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, el Grupo Parlamentario Legislativo Latino de California Anuncia que la Senadora Lena González, la Asambleísta Liz Ortega y el Asambleísta Juan Carrillo Fueron Elegidos como los Próximos Presidenta

Sacramento, California – Mientras la nación celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, el Grupo Parlamentario Legislativo Latino de California (CLLC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que la Senadora Lena González (D – Long Beach) ha sido elegida para servir como la próxima Presidenta del Grupo Parlamentario. El CLLC también eligió a dos Vicepresidentes, con la Asambleísta Liz Ortega sirviendo como Vicepresidenta del Norte de California y el Asambleísta Juan Carrillo sirviendo como Vicepresidente del Sur de California.

As the Nation Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, the California Latino Legislative Caucus Announces Senator Lena Gonzalez, Assemblymember Liz Ortega, and Assemblymember Juan Carrillo Elected as Next Latino Caucus Chair and Vice-Chairs

Sacramento, Calif. – As the nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, the California Latino Legislative Caucus (CLLC) announced that Senator Lena Gonzalez (D – Long Beach) has been elected to serve as the next Caucus Chair. The CLLC also elected two vice-chairs, with Assemblymember Liz Ortega serving as the Northern California Vice Chair and Assemblymember Juan Carrillo serving as the Southern California Vice Chair.

El Caucus Latino celebra el Mes de la Herencia Inmigrante y amplifica la necesidad de programas estatales de apoyo a las comunidades inmigrantes

SACRAMENTO – Hoy, la asambleísta Sabrina Cervantes (D-Riverside), presidenta del Caucus Legislativo Latino de California, presentó la Resolución Concurrente de la Asamblea 206 en nombre del Caucus conmemorando junio de 2024 como el Mes de la Herencia Inmigrante y resaltando la necesidad de financiar varios programas estatales que apoyan a nuestras comunidades inmigrantes. Ella emitió la siguiente declaración:

Latino Caucus Celebrates Immigrant Heritage Month and Amplifies Need for State Programs Supporting Immigrant Communities

SACRAMENTO — Today, Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D-Riverside), Chair of the California Latino Legislative Caucus, presented Assembly Concurrent Resolution 206 on behalf of the Caucus commemorating June 2024 as Immigrant Heritage Month and highlighting the need to fund many state programs that support our immigrant communities. She issued the following statement:

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